Human Chemistry is a revolutionary way to understand and treat human beings at a deep level. It is about the way our body interacts with the outside world with external factors, and the inside processes, and molecular interactions with different substances such as hormones. The Human Chemistry can explain best what is our practice as homeopaths and what are our purpose and mission in life. It is about working with the whole human chemistry using the most appropriate treatment for the patients. This includes :  “detox”, constitutional treatment, treat the reason of the visit of the patients, treatment for bringing the balance of body substances, vitamins, hormones, new homeopathic remedies and working on the miasmatic level. Homeopathic Detox Therapy is a part of Human Chemistry and is also a new way to approach health problems and is aimed at the detoxifying and recuperative process of the body at a cellular level. The treatment is mild and can offer a quick and lasting recovery.

Human Chemistry is a complete treatment that consists of:

  • Classical Homeopathy.
  • Detox courses to support the body get rid of the consequences of harmful substances.
  • Support for the organs and organ systems with specific homeopathic remedies or body’s own substances as a homeopathic remedy.
  • Support with orthomolecular supplements.


All schools within classical homeopathy aim at cure by triggering the self-healing mechanism of the body.


HDT adds an extra dimension to classical homeopathy and also focusses on external factors (harmful substances) which can have different effects on each individual and can lead to health problems.

From birth – and even before – a person comes into contact with substances that could be harmful to the body. The body has excellent ways of disposing itself of these substances, but gradually the toxic substances can accumulate and the body can no longer detoxify sufficiently. You can think of use of contraceptives and antibiotics, vaccinations, but also of radiation and working with paints and solvents for years. Also “never well since” complaints are an important starting point but be aware of what cause the situation because it needs to be treated first.

In the long run (chronic) complaints arise. Examples are vague symptoms and complaints of severe chronic diseases such as asthma, eczema, PMS, ADD, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, migraine, autism, diabetes, phobias, Lyme’s disease, epileptic seizures, MS and rheumatism. Acute and chronic effects of vaccinations is possible to be treated successfully.


The Human Chemistry with HDT-method helps to gain more insight in the development of pathology and the organs and organ systems involved such as lymphatic system and endocrine system. Human Chemistry and HDT provide a means of determining the hierarchy in the disturbance and how to proceed in a step by step approach.

The goal is to understand the pathology in order to understand the (chemical) background that could be the causation of the pathology and the mental disturbances as a consequence, and vice versa.


To support the organs and organ systems homeopathic remedies and/or body own substances as a homeopathic remedies (for example hormones and proteins) are used. Elimination of harmful substances is enhanced by the use of orthomolecular supplements.

The organ functions can be restored and health can be brought to a higher level.